Monday, November 23, 2009

Funny, funny grandma!

See this collection? I have a very special grandma. She is not like any other grandmother you meet. She absolutely hates knitting, baking cookies, and have gray hair. But on the other hand, she is very adventures, loves to have fun and dye her hair in many different colors (she even had purple hair!), and she has the best humor ever! Even though she is around 60 years old, she seems sometimes like a teenager, because she plays playstation like a real gamer! She even lives on the other side of the world, where they don’t even have a playstation! This really annoys my little brother, who is the king of playstation! But, even though my grandma is different, she is awesome, and she rocks big time! Everytime I see her, she surprises me. I bet that next time I’ll see her, she will have letter pants on, and she’ll be driving a motor cycle! Imagine that (just kidding)!

I bet my grandma is better than your grandma at playing playstation. Wanna bet? Haha, just joking :)