Monday, November 30, 2009

My summer holidays

Every summer holiday, I use to spend a couple of weeks in me and my family's cabin, which lies on a island named Hellesøy near Stavanger. This is a picture of me and my mother, father and sister's cabin, but my grandparent's cabin lies quite near. I associate this place with my grandparents. Every summer we use to spend a lot of time with them, fishing, barbequing and a lot of other fun stuff.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

An old man and his dog

This is my grandpa and his dog, Pia. He takes the dog with him everywhere, even when he's out sailing. They're always together :)


My grandmother always have thees biscuits, and I love them. She always ask me if I want a Ballerina, when I come over.

Grandma and Grandpa

Every year my whole family on my dad's side have a reunion. And every year we take a photo of the family. This have been going on for about 15 years, and through the pictures we can see how the family changes. It is my grandmother and grandfather who takes care of all of this, and make it happen every year. We don't see each other a lot but here we can catch up with everyone.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My dear grandmother

My grandma gave me this bowl with some beautiful stones a long time ago. She had collected the stones from trips around the world when she was younger. Today she isnt alive. I have had this bowl for years and love how it reminds me about her and all the amazing stories she told me about the trips.

A vacation with my grandparents

In the summer of 2007 my grandparents took me and my sister on a vacation to Bergen, because this is my grandfather’s home town. This picture is of my grandparents in Bergen.

My grandmother

This is my grandmother.

She loves to cook and make fantastic food.

She is very loving, but sometimes she is a bit strict, but that is because she cares about her grandchildren

This is a picture from my grandmother's house, or, pool in Spain. My grandmother and my deceased grandfather both loved swimming. My grandfather was actually the Norwegian coach for the junior swimming team. Swimming is an important sport in that side of our family. :)

my granma

my grandma has always been very innterseted in all kind of sports(pool) when i was 3 years old she gave me a Barcelona football suit. today i still have the suit and it reminds me of my granma

This is a photo from an old bookstore in Paris, which me and my mother took when we where there earlier this year.
Old books remind me of my grandmother because he has a lot of them in her house. I love looking in them and they have a special smell that reminds me of her.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Chocolate bowl

I used to visit my grandmother nearly every Saturday, and she always had this bowl filled with chocolate. My grandmother is no longer alive so today I have this bowl in my possession. Every time I see it, it reminds me of her and all the Saturdays I spent with her.

These flowers reminds me of my grandparents, because they growe in their garden every summer. My grandmother puts them in a vase on the table!

Funny, funny grandma!

See this collection? I have a very special grandma. She is not like any other grandmother you meet. She absolutely hates knitting, baking cookies, and have gray hair. But on the other hand, she is very adventures, loves to have fun and dye her hair in many different colors (she even had purple hair!), and she has the best humor ever! Even though she is around 60 years old, she seems sometimes like a teenager, because she plays playstation like a real gamer! She even lives on the other side of the world, where they don’t even have a playstation! This really annoys my little brother, who is the king of playstation! But, even though my grandma is different, she is awesome, and she rocks big time! Everytime I see her, she surprises me. I bet that next time I’ll see her, she will have letter pants on, and she’ll be driving a motor cycle! Imagine that (just kidding)!

I bet my grandma is better than your grandma at playing playstation. Wanna bet? Haha, just joking :)

Pick up the peace ...

Have you ever seen a movie from the old days? Not? This photo gives me the feeling of what the life in the old days was. The colours and the landscape, it's all there! I took this photo when I visited my grandparents last summer. They live in the Northern Norway, so I've only met them approximately five times or something, my whole life. I miss them a lot, and when I look at this picture I can recognize the feelings I get when I'm at their house. The peace and tranquility lowers itself, and everything feels so good! Always, I forget all of the stress back home, and I can take a deep breath and just .. live! I wish my grandparents this life of goodness, yet I could wish I could've met them more often...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

This reminds me of my grandparents. They are most comfortable at home. And I think thats great because everytime we visit it's so nice and cozy. Of course they like to go out to their cabin and take long walks. But they always say: Away is ok, but I'd rather be at home today.

My grandfather has a great passion for both woodcarving and weaving. One of the works that he’s the most proud of is his miniature recreation of the Bauyeux Carpet. This has been hanging on our wall for ages now, and it is something that I find reminds me of him.


This is a photo of my grandpa when he was in the military. He was a fighter pilot, and so his son (my uncle) and my father. He died when I was very young so unfortunately I can't remember him.


My grandma is a great chef. She can make the most tasteful dishes. But she is an expert on one particular cake which is the Missisippi Mud Pie. She makes it with chocolate cookie crust and a cooked chocolate filling, and ofcourse whipped cream. She uses an old American formula and when I get older she will give it to me so I can make it for my grandchildren.

Winter Days

For some reason, this picture reminds me of my when I was young, and me and my grandfather used to go out in the forest and chop down our christmas tree. I would always find the biggest stone there was, climb it, and jump down into the trees, and get covered in snow. I'll never forget the way my grandfather laughed.
And when getting back home to the smell of the christmas food, and the smile on my grandmother's face. Ah, those were the days...

I need no fanfare

This photo was taken shortly after the liberation of Grini ConcentrationCamp in 1945. The picture displays my grandfather who was arrested in 1943 for being a part of the Norwegian Recsistance Group. After the war he was awarded a medal for his contribution in the war... he didn't to accept it..... I once asked him why, he replied; "...but no soldier should be honoured, for doing what is expected..."


This food supplement, which is called tran, reminds me of my health conscious grandparents.


My grandparents are in very good shape. they always want be to go skiing with them. Sometimes I do. We sit in the snow and enjoy some homemade hot chocolate. I,m always glad when I have been to a trip with them.

pearls should be a girls best friend.

I associate this pearl necklace with my two grandmothers. Unfortunately only one of them are still alive, but both of them used to wear pearls at almost every occasion. I have a vague memory sneaking into an old-fashioned (but pretty) room to have a sneak peak of their treasures. Personally I don't wear pearls very often, but when I do I feel sort of elegant, and it always makes me think of my grandmothers, which are both called 'Jenny', in fact.
This is the ship S/S Sørlandet. My grandfather was captain before he retired. He has worked on a boat all of his life. I think about him every time I see this ship or hear about it.

This picture reminds me of my grandmother and grandfather. Thats because they had a garden with alots of currant berry, and my grandfather spent alot of time during the summer to pick the berrys. My grandmother made currant jam that we had when we came to visit them.

My happy grandfather

Mats Moldesæter. My grandfather, Christmas 2008. He is a really good guitar player, all though he shouldn't be. He was trying his new guitar. I took this picture in Skjold, because that is where we celebrate christmas every year. I love his name, of course.

On a trip this summer with my grandparents to a cottage in Southern Norway. While driving, the sun was shining and the sky was clear. A result of this, the few clouds made a beutiful reflection on the water.
This is the nature my grandparents has lived with their whole lives, which is something they will never forget...

The Longing for Happiness

The singing art "Fado(in English: "Fate")" is a traditional and famous music style in Portugal. There's something special about "Fado": the texts are disastrous, tell stories of sad destiny and none-mutual love. The woman on the picture, Amália Rodrigues, is called "the Queen of Fado", she's also one of the most well-known Fado singers in Portugal. My Grandmother loves to sing Fado, and she does it often when we're in Portugal. I associate this music art with my beloved grandmother and all those who sing their life stories in this style. Fado, that's something real special to the Portuguese, believe me.


My grand parents were always eating potatoes. Without potatoes a meal did not fulfill the requirements of being a meal. One time we invited them over for pizza, they admitted that it did taste good, but afterwards my grand father went home because he had to eat some potatoes. That is the reason why I am always reminded of them every time I see a potato.

This is my grandparents when we visited my uncle and aunts cabin. They just celebrated that they have been married in 50 years.

The picture shows a traditional Norwegian Christmas dessert called "krumkaker". I chose this picture because I always help my grandmother to make these cakes around Christmas, and I get to spend much time with her during the baking.
After we've made the cakes, our relatives often come to visit, and it's always nice to see them again, especially seeing as I don't get to see them too often.

Summer at my grandparents.

This is a part of my grandparents garden where I usually spend a part of my summer. It is south in Norway and many of my cousins also spend their summer there. In the summer it is usually good weather, so we spend our time in the garden, at the wharf or out on the ocean in boats. I really love it there.

My grandmother loves music, especially when all her grandchildren plays.

My grandparents live a bit north in Norway in a town called Ã…lesund. My Grandfather has an old boat that he is very fond of. Whenever I visit him, we always go fishing and we spend a lot of the time out at sea. My grandmother is a bit ill, and has problems moving so she usually stays at home and spends most her time talking with some friends or in the kitchen.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My grand parents have a cottage at the mountain. And at the fall, we use to travel up there and gather mushrooms. My grandparents knows all the good spots and where the mushroom is.

Monday, November 16, 2009

This is a picture of one of my grandmother's cakes. She loves to bake and bakes always more then two cakes when my family and i come.
They always taste good and it's impossible not to like here cakes.
I love to visit here.

None of my grandparents are alive today. But the only one of them I had some sort of relationship with, was one of my grandfathers. Alive, he was a goldsmith, and the only thing I have to remind me of him is an old golden watch.


My grandparents lived on Bømlo. We always went out fishing when we visited them.

Bluberry trip

My grandmother lives in Trysil. When I was a little girl she and my grandfather used to take me out to the woods, and pick bluberrys.

My beloved grandmother

This is my grandmother on Christmas eve 08.
When it is time to open the presents, she becomes a little girl again. My grandmother appreciate our gifts, and is always eager to show the whole family what she got during the evening.

My younger brother and grandfather at Christmas. I love spending Christmas with them!
My grandmother loves to knit, and made these gloves for me last Christmas. I always think of her when I wear them.

This is my grandparents' TV.
The picture was taken at Christmas eve 08.
We were watching "Jokerlotto" because "Blaafjell" was finished.

This is a picture of my father's parents. They live on a farm with many animals. During almost all my vacations I visit them. I love spending time with my grandparents.


Grandparents are good at keeping traditions. Baking cakes at christmas, painting Easter eggs.

Family gathering

This is a picture of my grandparents at their house. The picture was taken in the Easter of 2006.

My grandparents live in Mostar in Bosnia i Hercegovina. This is Stari Most, which combindes the "two sides" of Mostar. My fathers parents live on one of the sides, and my mothers mom lives at the other side. The bridge unites both the city and my grandparents.

My Grandmother loves tea. Therefore I have a picture with a cup of tea and a rose, because she also loves her garden.

There ain't no party like my nanna's tea party.

Knitting reminds me of my grandmother. Once a year she sends me a pair of colourful socks, just like the ones in this picture.
This is a very typical picture of two grandparents. When I see this picture, it reminds me of my own grandparents and gives me a good feeling.
My grandmother loves to make parties. This is a photo of our Christmas Day lunch. She always serves all the great tasting food you can ever imagine.